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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Coming Out

Maybe its just me, but i think hiding who you are from your friends is stupid.
If you are gay or bi or whatever just tell them!
It may inspire others to do the same.
If they are really your friends they will accept you for who you are.
I know it's not easy.
It's even harder to tell your parents.
I would know.
It seems impossible and daunting.
But you can get through it.
I did.
I believe in you.
This is a hate free zone.
Love who you want.
Man or Woman.
What am I?
Who do I find myself attracted to?
Both Men and Women.
More Women though.
But enough about me.
Get out there and tell your friends!
Don't wait to long.
And be prepared for the questions.
And be prepared to lose people.
But remember, if they deny you now, they weren't real friends anyway.